Monday, 1 July 2013

QR Code net - ready for assembly!

Here is a a QR code net ready to be constructed into a cube!  Use a bar code scanner on your smart phone or tablet to read the information (we use bakodo - it's free and very quick).


  1. Badgers you have been very busy!

    Your code nets look amazing - we are looking forward to see all your fabulous work!

    Keep working hard!

    Class 3M

  2. Thanks 3M! If you want to make them yourselves, go to Also, we can email Mrs Balshaw a copy of the net we used if you want!

    Badgers X

  3. We will give them a try next week - can you email them to Mrs Balshaw please? We are going to produce information booklets on Blackpool next week.

    Class 3M
